Sunday 23 June 2013


Directed by Steven Soderbergh. Starring Michael Douglas and Matt Damon. 118 minutes.

Well made, beautifully shot and featuring a career best performance from Michael Douglas this is a warts and all bio pic of the
Liberace and his live-in lover, Scott Thorson (played by Matt Damon) and their 7-year long relationship. Although a superbly well made movie, you'd never guess it was produced for TV, it does feel very one note and I perhaps expected a bit more humour, certainly the trailer seemed to imply it would be funnier.

Because this is a serious film, I left wishing they had gone further and we could have explored Liberace's persona more, he's such an intriguing character and the more you see, the more you want to learn about him. You get glimpses, of a network behind the man behind the Candelabra, and it hints at a far darker and nastier world.

Soderbergh claims he's giving up cinema and this is supposedly the last film of his we'll see on the big screen. I hope not.


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