Tuesday 30 April 2024

#33: NYE


Starring Michael Sheen, written by Tim Price.

Not a film, nor a theatre play but something all-together different. This was a profoundly moving and engrossing experience. Sheen was utterly mesmerising and was ably supported by a superb cast. The film presented mostly as a fever dream following his operation for a suspected stomach ulcer that revealed something far more serious, the film flows through key moments in his life from naive youth to eager student and dedicated but flawed political legend to his death.

The performance left many in the audience around me sobbing and it's hardly surprising, I'm not entirely comfortable with live theatre and this was only the second NFT performance I've ever seen, the first being Frankenstein, which was equally powerful. 

This was brilliantly mounted and staged and left me moved and inspired and made me want to see more. I found it extremely moving in a way I found truly unique and special. I was amazed at the sheer skill of Sheen and left the cinema with a new respect for theatre.  


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