Thursday, 16 January 2025

#02: SE7EN

Starring Brad Bitt, Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow and John C. McGinley. Written by Andrew Kevin Walker. Directed by David Fincher. Music by Howard Shore. Budget $33-34 million. Running time 127 minutes. Originally released in 1995.

Se7en follows Detective Lieutentant William Somerset (Morgan Freeman) and Detective David Mills (Brad Pitt) as they investigate a series of horrible murders based on the seven deadly sins. Somerset is a week shy of retiring, his faith in humanity drained and longing to escape the nameless, crime-infested, rain-drenched city he has no love for. While Mills, just arrived is eager to make a name for himself. Let's hope no one loses their head.

30 years-old and still daisy fresh. This is a gruelling film, dark, bleak and superb. The murders are genuinely shocking and the look and feel of the film is almost physical. The performances by all four of the main characters is top class, as is the music, the art direction and direction by a young David Fincher. The two leads play well off each other and balance the film perfectly, Pitt's youth is all ticks and jitters, while Morgan's world-weary wisdom creates the balance.

It also features one of the finest credit sequences of all-times, which helps to prepare you for what is to follow. This is one of those films, like 1982's Blade Runner that utterly re-defined a genre and spawned a slew of imitators and Hollywood's love of the ridiculous idea of genius-level serial killers.  

This is one of those films where you leave shaken and thoughtful.


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