Friday 2 September 2016


Starring:  Zac Efron, Anna Kendrick, Adam DeVine, Aubrey Plaza and Stephen Root. Written by Andrew J. Cohen and Brendan O'Brien. Directed by Jake Szymanski.

Budget $33 million. Running time 98 minutes long.

Saw this back on August 14th, cannot remember a thing about it. Plot sees two boys, one a passive aggressive psycho and the other a mentally challenged halfwit, both perennial manchilds forced to find 'nice' dates for their sister's wedding. They end up with Anna Kendrick and Aubrey Plaza's Tatiana and Alice, a pair of equally dangerous fun loving girls who pretend to be nice to get the free holiday. Queue a sweet, but rude, romantic comedy where the boys and girls discover their inner feelings, grow as people and bond, while at the same time, doing drugs, getting pissed and strangely avoiding the beast with two backs. They also destroy their sister's marriage before the final act where they save the day and everyone goes home happy.

Not terrible.


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