Sunday 14 January 2018


Featuring the vocal talents of Anthony Gonzalez, Gael García Bernal, Benjamin Bratt, Alanna Ubach, Renée VictorAna Ofelia Murguía and Edward James Olmos. Written by Adrian Molina and Matthew Aldrich. Directed by Lee Unkrich. It seems churlish to list all the voice actors for this film when the true stars are the hundreds of artists, animators, computer programmers and backroom Joes and Joannes who've laboured long and hard to make this exceptional movie! Budget $175-200 million. Running time 109 minutes.

Miguel (Anthony Gonzales) is a young boy, the son of a family of shoe makers who dreams of pursing his love of music thanks to the memory of his long-dead musical hero - Ernesto (Benjamin Bratt). However, thanks to his dead-beat Great great Grandfather he is strictly forbidden from playing any form of music. Determined to show his family his musical skills at a Day of the Dead talent show he steals Ernesto's guitar and finds himself transported to the Land of the Dead and now has until dawn to get back to Earth or risk joining the ancestors!

I have always been in awe of the greatness of Pixar, naturally the Toy Story trilogy is superb but my personal favourite has always been The Incredibles. That said, Wall-E was so good it actually made me angry and cry in amazement, how could anything be that staggering!? 

didn't make me angry, it made me fall in love. It is a tour-de-force, it is a simply superb film. At turns breathtakingly beautiful, technically stunning and emotionally moving and as such I loved each and every second of its 109 minute running time. The animation is staggering, the character design, the colours the designs, every single goddam thing about this film is an utter delight, a joyous, beautiful, moving and staggering experience. I was moved to tears by it. I loved every single second, the songs, the ideas, the poetry of it. I just loved it.

Go and see it, even if you don't have children. This film deserves to be seen on a big screen and prepare to love and every second of it! It is an joy beyond imagining.


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