Friday, 10 April 2015


#16 THE VOICES (21/3/15)

Starring Ryan Reynolds, Anna Kendrick, Gemma Arterton and Jacki Weaver. Written by Michael R. Perry and directed by Marjane Satrapi. 104 minutes long.

Ryan Reynolds is Jerry Hickfang, a sad, lonely man struggling with mental illness who lives above a disused bowling alley and works for a bathroom factory operating a pallet lifter. He visits his counsellor daily and he's not taking his medication, which is having an impact on his mental health. His only friends are his dog, Bosco and his cat, Mr. Whiskers who talk to him endlessly, Bosco the voice of reason and Mr. Whiskers that of chaos encouraging our hero to kill.

We learn of Jerry's tragic past and the horrific damage that was done to him and it's obvious that jerry isn't a bad person and that he means well, it's just he seems to be a victim of fate. When he invited to joint a work committee to produce the employee barbecue he jumps at the change, it's there he falls for English accountant, Fiona played by Gemma Arterton, sadly he's well outside Fiona's league and their first date doesn't go well leading up to her accidental stabbing, murder and decapitation. He takes her head home and puts it in the fridge and along with the animals she too starts to talk to him forgiving him for the killing and asking for a companion to keep her company. And so Jerry asks one of Fiona's co-workers, Lisa, played by Anna Kendrick out on a date and it looks as if history is about to repeat itself, but can Jerry fight his demons before his life spirals out of control again?

This is a very black comedy and shows a very different side to Reynolds than the one who went down with Green Latern, this Reynolds flashing his acting chops, which he does with real skill, providing the voices for Bosco and Mr. Whiskers too. Funny, creepy and very black this won't be everyone's cup of tea.


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