Friday, 16 September 2016


Starring Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn, Annie Mumolo, Jada Pinkett Smith and Christina Applegate. Written and directed by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore.

 Budget $20 mill. Running time 100 minutes.

An impossibly well-paid, over-worked, young mom (Mila Kunis) rebels against juggling the insane demands of  her ludicrous and unbelievable job of a sales rep for a hipster coffee company, her home life with cheating banker husband and her over achieving children's school's PTA and it's uber dictatorial president (Christina Applegate) who controls the school. She teams up with two fellow yummy mummies, in the guise of Kristen Bell and Kathryn Khan, and decides to run for the post of 'PTA President', against the power mad Christina Applegate. After that much, well some hilarity ensues.

This is a fun and funny film, but not a hilarious one. There are three superb stand-out moments, the three heroines in the supermarket, the fantastic women-only house party and the first time the three women go out for a drink. Actually, come to think of it, whenever these three women get together it's hilarious. They share an easy, very likeable chemisty and are bloody funny to boot. The only thing that lets this film down is the very lame, generic plot that putts along doing nothing beyond joining the dots in an orderly fashion. It's a shame a film like this doesn't have the guts to be really raucous, because there is nothing more glorious then watching these women being very funny. Stand out is Kathryn Hahn who is a wonderful, fearless comedienne.

The only niggling thing I had about this film is Kristen Bell's character who is clearly in a verbally abusive relationship, her husband is shown as very controlling and manipulative. However rather than confront and deal with this situation the film ends with their roles literally reversed and Kristen now the domineering and bullying partner.

Anyhoo, this isn't a bad film, it's just that it doesn't have enough oomph.

There's a lovely bit at the end where the six actresses talk to their actual mothers about their relationships.


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