Wednesday, 29 December 2021


 What the hell went wrong with Bruce Willis?

This weekend, apart from watching: The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard, Darby's Rangers and The Spy Who Loved Me I also watched The Fifth Element - one of Bruce Willis's best movies - and also one of his recent straight to the bargain bucket bin movies - Cosmic Sin.
The Fifth Element, a film I've not watched for several years, was terrifically good fun, Bruce was utterly charismatic, sexy and a joy to behold, the film itself was a fantastic science fiction romp, with wonderful special effects, great production design and gloriously and surprisingly gory action, which was written and directed by Luc Besson. I just continue to love it.
But Cosmic Sin was the polar opposite, an utter abomination of a movie, ugly, lazy, cheesy, badly and boringly directed and hatefully derivative. Bruce Willis seems to have fallen out of love with Hollywood and movies, he seems to spend his days making these bargain bucket action movies, turning up to prop up the scenery as he delivers his lines in a bored monotone dirge. It is painfully clear he has no respect or passion for the project and you know for a fact that if he could literally phone it in from his bed he would. I could go on to eviscerate Cosmic Sin, but quite frankly that sort of scrutiny would take me too long and the film doesn't deserve that amount of my time.
The plot isn't worthy of noting, the film has nothing to redeem it, nothing to recommend and nothing of any merit. Oh wait, it has one. I only spent £5 to watch it. I wish I had waited until it turned up on Netflix.
But of all its failings, the biggest is Willis's performance, which is disgraceful, indeed it is deplorable. A friend of mine often says that no film maker goes out of their way to make a bad film, but I would argue that actors like Willis do. They have no respect for the writer, director, their fellow actors and the crew and even less for the audience. It seems to me that Willis has not only entered the Steven Seagal realm of movie, but he has dive-bombed it from the 30 metre diving board.
I can't think of another A List actor who has so truly squandered their careers in such a lazy manner.
As for the film itself, don't even pick it up to read the back cover, that would give it too much respect. This is a film that's not even so bad it's funny, it's just shit.

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