Sunday 26 April 2020


Next up was Burn After Reading - the Coen brothers 2008 movie starring John Malkovich, Brad Pitt, Tilda Swinton, George Clooney, Francis MacDormand and Richard Jenkins.  

This is a brisk 90 odd minute comedy, which is still very funny thanks to some great acting against type from the stella cast. Fun to see Brad Pitt playing such a dim character, George Clooney playing an utterly unloveable creep, Francis MacDormand playing the body obsessed gym trainer who inadvertently becomes the lynchpin to the madness about to unfold and John Malkovich just going bat shit crazy. I loved every minute of his breakdown, and he's the nicest character in this whole farce. This was a breezy, slight and very silly Coen brother film, which definitely ranks as a level two Coen Bros movie. The humour and the mania building nicely but always with that strange edge that Coen brothers films have, the edge that can at any second suddenly spiral into dark and nasty territories. 8/10

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